The style of lingo is the same in ALL cults. That's part of the mark.
Alas, I don't have Sundance channel. Missed "Worlds Apart" last night, too.
i watched a cult documentary called "join us" on sundance today.. it is showing a few more times, if you have that channel.
it was very interesting.
the cult that it follows uses a lot of the same lingo and focuses on a lot of the same scriptures as jehovah's witnesses.
The style of lingo is the same in ALL cults. That's part of the mark.
Alas, I don't have Sundance channel. Missed "Worlds Apart" last night, too.
in the continuing court battle in australia, the legal counsel for the witchtower babble and trash religion shocked witless onlookers by saying the there is.
"no christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses in the state of victoria," or indeed the whole of australia.. hahahhahahahaha!.
at least they are not perjuring themselves as any fool can see that their congregations are not "christian".. check this on barb andersons thread!.
The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was only created about 11 years ago to deal with U.S. interests.
If nothing else, this case should reveal to the world exactly what the legal relationship is between the Governing Body, the FDS, the CCJW, and the other corporations, if any. Exactly who told the elders in Victoria NOT to get background checks and exactly who changed their mind and told them TO get the background checks? What was their authority to do so, both legally and religiously?
jw leadership shows an appalling lack of creativty and originality.. -- meeting attendance down across the board?
let's keep the same 1940's format anyway!.
-- missionaries quitting their assignments?
Like MrDarkKnight, I thought of "The Peter Principle" upon reading Sir's initial post.
They have all risen above their level of competence while those who may have been competent have abandoned the sinking ship.
As for the effect, will it destroy the religion? Eventually, yeah. Not yet, but sooner or later the growth is going to become negative. It will then shrink down to just a few million and will stay there.
the watchtower loses action against the bank "fifth third bank" - ohio, usa.. .
see here all the details and the final verdict:.
Now that I've finished reading it, it seems to me that this thing *might* not be completely over.
Apparently in the original trial, both the bank and the Watchtower asked the court for "summary judgment" and the trial court denied the Borg's request and granted the bank's.
In this appeal, it looks to me (I'm not a lawyer but I've been in enough classes to understand a little of the vocabulary) as if the majority of appellate judges decided that the trial court was correct in denying summary judgment to the Watchtower but was INcorrect in granting summary judgment to the bank. This raises the question, which hopefully Band on the Run or someone else with qualifications can answer: does this mean the Watchtower can take another crack at the bank for its negligence?
Also, am I correct in understanding the document that the Watchtower can't get THAT $99K back FROM the estate (aka the dead man's family), but they can still sue the bank for screwing it up in the first place?
(PS. I know the document says Watch Tower and not Watchtower. What-the-heck-ever. We all know who we're talking about.)
(PPS. Could the motive of the Watchtower for waiting be a PR move? They didn't want to be seen as taking a hundred grand from the needy family of a dead JW but have no qualms about suing the bank for the screw-up?)
the watchtower loses action against the bank "fifth third bank" - ohio, usa.. .
see here all the details and the final verdict:.
There's the legal stuff, which is fairly interesting, and then there's what actually happened, which can only be speculated at.
Looks to me like Deitrich had named his mother as beneficiary to his accounts in the case of his death first. Then he went to the bank to ask for that to be changed to name the Borg as beneficiary. Bank staffer tells him that he has to fill out new paperwork to make it happen. He probably is unsure of the exact name to put on it (Watch Tower Society, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watch Tower, Faithful and Discreet Slave, Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, or what?) or some other specific detail he doesn't have to hand, and so tells the bank staffer he'll find out exactly what to put on it and then come back. It slips his mind and he never comes back. In the meantime, the beneficiary has been changed to Watch Tower in the bank's computer as the staffer was typing it up during Deitrich's visit, but the hard copy paperwork never got completed.
Same sort of situation at the beginning but the bank was out of blank copies at the moment and the Xerox repairman was working on the copier at the time Deitrich was visiting the bank to change beneficiaries. Bank staffer apologizes for being unable to finish the changeover and can he please come back in an hour or so? Sure, he says, but he never does. Boom. Transaction is left completed in the computer but not on any hardcopy signed paperwork as required.
There are other scenarios that may have happened, too, but I think my speculations are the two most likely.
the watchtower loses action against the bank "fifth third bank" - ohio, usa.. .
see here all the details and the final verdict:.
Another interesting line from paragraph 16:
Michelle Lewis, Watch Tower's manager of charitable planning, testified at deposition that Watch Tower became aware of the probate case shortly after it was filed. In a letter dated March 27, 2006, Watch Tower wrote its Ohio agent, attorney William Carse, as follows: "We would like to retain your services for the purpose of filing a notice of appearance on behalf of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, and appearing at the May 2006, hearing at [probate court] with regard to the [Fifth Third] matter." One interesting thing is that the Borg seems to have an "agent" (lawyer) in every state - already lined up to get busy for the Borg when called for. More interesting is that a woman is the Borg's "manager of charitable planning" and able to testify in behalf of the organization. Fascinating. But in the Kingdom Hall she can't even carry a microphone or run a stereo system.
saw this poster on a website and i had to post it here.
i think it really shows the twisted way of thinking that witnesses have cultured into them.
they turn virtues into vices, and vices into virtues.
Awesome, JonathanH. I'd love to see a version with the tyrannical despots replaced by GB members.
i am currently in bali and was having a massage this morning.
suddenly a massive rumble and the sound of thunder.
the massage lady screamed and ran for the door.
As long as you don't go running back to the Kingdom Hall you'll be fine. Good luck!
the watchtower loses action against the bank "fifth third bank" - ohio, usa.. .
see here all the details and the final verdict:.
I've only read a portion of it so far but I find it despicable that a multi-billion dollar corporation like the Watchtower would fight with the family of a dead man over his $99K bank account. Just do the Christian thing and let the family keep the money.
If the family are/were JWs, I hope this 'stumbled' them into reality - the Watchtower is a greedy commercial cult.
got my reply from the uk charities commission.
i'm not a happy bunny.
basically, they're saying that any crackpot organization can get charitable status as long as they're a religion.
Mentally Diseased Apostates are accused of starting our own religion and trying to draw others away after ourselves, right?
Seriously. Register a new faith called the MDA as a religion and charitible organization. If the Unitarian Universalists can be a religion without any specific enforcement of any specific god, then so can the MDA.
I would love for it to be a formal mockery of the Watchtower religion and its hierarchy, with "branches" and "districts" and "circuits" and the whole nine yards. Of course, it would ultimately be about freedom so nobody "in charge" would actually hold any authority other than the responsibility to maintain the paperwork necessary to continue as a religion/charity.
Please somebody do this. I have the need to join something.